Scenes from a world full of sex, violence, and drama depicted in smutty comics from the 70s and 80s form the basis for the SCHUND art project.
- 10-18.6.2023 CargoBar Basel / Go!C!ART Festival
- 19.01.2013 Bursehaus Stuttgart
- 16-14.6.2012 Walpodenakademie Mainz / Museums night
- 07.06.2012 Pre-Vernissage Loesje International headquarters Berlin
RROOORRR - Acrylic paint on canvas, 100x70cm, 2008
?!? Acrylic paint on canvas, 100x90cm, 2009
OOOHH - Acrylic paint on canvas, 40x30cm, 2010
CLICK - Acrylic paint on canvas, 40x30cm, 2011
STHUNF – Acrylic paint on canvas, 120x80cm, 2010
WRAM - Acrylic paint on canvas, 50x40cm, 2011
UUUIII – Acrylic paint on canvas, 50x40cm, 2012
SCHUND - Mädchen / SCHUND - Auto / SCHUND - Pistole, Acrylic paint on canvas, jeweils 30x24cm, 2012
BRRRAAURRR – Acrylic paint on canvas, 100x140cm, 2012
UHMMM - Acrylic paint on canvas, 3 x 25x20cm, 2009
SMACK – Acrylic paint on canvas, 50x50cm, 2012